Research Department (SRIB&M) Scientific-Research Institute for Binders and Materials named after V.D.Glukhovsky and Certification Body “SEPROBUDKTUBA”

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Кривенко Павло Васильович
DSc (Eng), Professor
Pavel Krivenko
Head of the Research Department (SRIB&M)

Structure and staff of the Research Department
Number of staff members, in total – 15, including: DSc(Eng) – 1, PhD – 4, without academic degree – 10.
Number of part-time staff members, in total – 4, including: DSc(Eng) – 1, PhD – 3, without academic degree – 0.

Research activities

Scientific school is a world leader in alkali-activated materials research and product development. Research activities cover:
“Regularities of advanced alkali-activated cementitious materials development which would be similar to natural zeolite-like minerals and determine their durability for the use in both civil engineering (mortars, concretes, composites etc.) and non-civil engineering applications (ship-, machine- manufacturing, metallurgy (adhesives, glues, bonds, etc.), mining industry, immobilization of toxic and radioactive wastes within final products for their long-term safety disposal”.

Research work that can be performed on request of third-party organizations

  • to reveal regularities under which properties of mineral systems of alkaline and alkaline– alkaline earth aluminosilicate composition change;
  • development of advanced cementitious materials and binders that are alternatives to Portland cement, as well as materials of hydration and contact hardening on their basis and ceramic materials using a wide range of natural materials and industrial by-products and wastes;
  • the development of alkali-activated cementitious materials, inclusive of adhesives, glues, with a wide range of special properties (high strength and strength gain, corrosion resistance, fire resistance, heat resistance, acid resistance, high density) intended for the use in civil engineering and non-civil engineering applications, mining etc.;
  • development of an advanced class of cementitious materials for solution of environmental problems such as alkali-activated slag cements using a wide range of secondary materials of aluminosilicate composition (blast-furnace, of heat electric energy generating installations, steel-making, nonferrous and otherslags); ashes of various origin (heat power stations, incineration of municipal garbage etc.), nepheline and bauxite slurries etc.;
  • immobilization of hazardous, toxic and radioactive wastes (solid and liquid radioactive wastes, electroplating sludges, contaminated soils (with heavy metals, chemicals etc.) within compounds for their safety disposal sing alkali-activated cementitious materials;
  • study of durability of the developed materials and their commercialization on the markets of CIS and world.

Scientific and technical work done

  • "Definition of formulations of the final product for a liquid radioactive waste processing plant" (customers - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the state-owned specialized enterprise Chernobyl NPP, Chernobyl, Ukraine, 2011-2014);
  • "Scientific support for the development of the recipe and the implementation of a pilot industrial batch of scouring solutions based on slag cement" (customer - LLC UKRSK, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2012-2017);
  • "Development of warehouses of slag cements M400, M500, M600, M800 using blast-furnace granulated PJSC" Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works "in accordance with DSTU B V.2.7-181: 2009" (customer - Lugansk Cement LLC, Alchevsk, Lugansk region ., Ukraine, 2013-2014);
  • "Granting services in the formulation and technology of immobilization of cubic remnants of Ukrainian NPPs with WWER reactors" (customer - SE "NNEGC" Energoatom ", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2014-2016);
  • "Technical conditions for binding alkali-aluminosilicate" (customer - LLC "POLVAKS", Kyiv, Ukraine 2016-2018);
  • "Testing of natural stone (marble" Botticino Italy ") with definition of frost resistance in accordance with the requirements of DSTU B EN M19.2007" (customer - LLC "BC" Spetsproekt-bud ", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017);
  • "Testing of products of concrete pavement unarmed (WBTN) with definition of frost resistance in accordance with the requirements of DSTU B.V.2.7-145: 2008" (customer - PE "Teplobud-service", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017).

Scientific and technical services

The Approved Testing Laboratory (Accreditation Certificate No 2Т243 від 05.09.2014, registered by the National Agency of Ukraine for Accreditation in its Register, valid until 04.09.2019) performs control testing for building and trade organizations and testing for certification purposes of the Ukrainian products and imported foreign products, among them: ceramic tiles, glazed and non-glazed, for internal facing of walls and floors, ceramic tiles for facades, silicate brick and stone, ceramic brick and stone, cement-free wall brick and stone, cement, sand, building mortar, concrete mixes, sand-gravel mixes for construction works, materials from crushing screenings, cellular and heat-resistant concretes, lightweight and heavyweight concretes, non- reinforced concrete products, asbestos-cement products, small-size concrete products, concrete facade slabs, etc.

Certification Body “SEPROBUDKTUBA” (Accreditation Certificate No 1O082 dated 14.09.2015, registered by the National Agency of Ukraine for Accreditation in its Register, valid until 07.09. 2019) provides a whole range of services with regard to certification, performs an assessment of products, processes and services to reveal a conformity to the technical specifications valid in Ukraine (technical approvals), cooperates with a number of approved testing laboratories and centres of Ukraine, as well as issues letters for the customs authorities of Ukraine for clearance purposes in case when products are not subjected to mandatory certification in Ukraine. Among numerous clients of Certification Body “SEPROBUDKTUBA” are foreign and Ukrainian enterprises such as:

  • factories of Spain - members of ASCER (Spanish Association of Ceramic Tiles Producers);
  • enterprises of Czech Republic and Poland‒ manufacturers of metallic panels with various heat insulating materials;
  • enterprises of Romania – manufacturers of metallic structures;
  • enterprises of Austria and Germany– manufacturers of windows, doors and panels;
  • Ukrainian enterprises – manufacturers of metallic profiled sheets, concrete products, dry building mixes, brick, etc.

Results of scientific research (general)

In the period from 2013 to 2017 were issued: 2 DSTU, 2 TU and 20 patents.
37 articles published in Scopus and Web of Science, 3 monographs abroad, are published in the official language of the EU countries.

In the framework of work with the international consortium Novarka, concrete structures were developed, which was successfully implemented in 2014-2016 for the foundations of the Shelter-2 facility at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Within the framework of contractual relations with the company NNEGC "Energoatom" (2 contracts) the works on development of technology of utilization of radioactive waste of low and average level of activity for all NPPs of Ukraine were performed. The results of the development are implemented for the disposal of ChNPP waste by launching in December 2017 a plant for the production of compounds for recycling.

A list of fundamental research that is being carried out

  • "Development of the formulation and technological solutions for the plasticization of alkaline concrete for road construction with the use of related products of metallurgy and heat engineering" (leader of the Research Laboratory: Ph.D., professor Kovalchuk O.Yu .; 2016-2018. p.);
  • "Development of alkaline cements with adjustable self-deformations in the Na2O-CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3 system, modified by anion-containing additives selected from the group: sulfates, nitrates, chlorides, fluorides, phosphates, and concrete on their basis" (leader of the Research Laboratory: k Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Head of Department Petropavlovskii O. M., 2018-2020 gg.);
  • "Development of fire-retardant materials for natural flammable roof structures (straw and cane)" (leader of the Research Laboratory: Ph.D., Ph.D. Tsapko Yu.V., 2018-2020 gg.).

The list of applied researches that are carried out

  • "Physico-chemical bases for the management of the structure and properties of mineral aluminosilicate adhesive compositions for the production of ecological wood products of different designers" (leader of the research work: doctor of technical science, prof. Krivenko P.V., 2017-2019 gg.).

Scientific-methodological and teaching activities
Text-books and monograph books (2000- 2017)

  1. Напрямки і перспективи використання відходів металургійної, гірничорудної та хімічної промисловості в будівництві (видання друге, виправлене та доповнене) / В.І. Большаков, Г.М. Бондаренко, А.І. Головко, О.Ю. Зільберман, П.В. Кривенко, В.О. Невєдомський, О.П. Нікіфоров, М.І. Шімон, С.А. Щербак. - Дніпропетровськ: «Gaudeamus», 2000. - 140 с.
  2. Кривенко П.В., Пушкарьова К.К., Кочевих М.О. Заповнювачі для бетону: Підручник. - К.: ФАДА ЛТД, 2001. - 399 с.
  3. Будівельне матеріалознавство: Підручник / Кривенко П.В., Пушкарьова К.К., Барановський В.В. та ін.; За ред. П.В. Кривенка. - К.: ТОВ УВПК «ЕксОб», 2004. - 704 с.
  4. Штарк Йохан, Вихт Бернд Долговечность бетона: Монография. Под ред. Кривенка П.В. – К., 2004. - 301 с.
  5. Shi C., Krivenko P.V., Roy D. Alkali - Activated Cements and Concretes. - London “Taylor & Francis”, 2006. - 376 р.
  6. Строительное материаловедение: Учебник / Кривенко П.В., Пушкарева Е.К., Барановский В.Б. и др.; Под. ред. Кривенко П.В. - К.: «Основа», 2007. - 704 с.
  7. Штарк Й., Вихт Б. Цемент и известь: Монография. Под ред. Кривенка П.В. – К., 2008. - 469 с.
  8. Єфремов А.Н., Кривенко П.В. Огнеупорные бетоны на основе щелочных вяжущих с повышенными термомеханическими свойствами. - Макеевка: ДонНАСА, 2008.
  9. Энерго- и ресурсосберигающая технология теплоизоляционных материалов / Тулаганов А.А., Камишов Х.Х., Касымова С.С., Кривенко П.В., Х.Б. Фишер и др.; Под ред. А.А. Тулаганова - Ташкент, 2008. - 197 с.
  10. Geopolymers. Structure, processing, properties and industrial applications / John L. Provis, Jannie S.J. van Deventer / Kovalchuk G.Yu., Krivenko P.V. (part 12). - First published 2009, Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC © 2009. - 454 p.
  11. Krivenko P. Status and prospect of research and application of alkaline-activated materials / Advances in Science and Teсhnology. Switzerland “Trans Tech. Publications”. - Vol. 69. - 2010.
  12. Штарк Й. Щелочная коррозия бетона: Монография. Под ред. Кривенка П.В. – К., 2010. - 166 с.
  13. Будівельне матеріалознавство: Підручник / Кривенко П.В., Пушкарьова К.К., Барановський В.В. та ін.; За ред. П.В. Кривенка. - К.: «Ліра-К», 2012. - 624 с.
  14. Цементы и бетоны на основе топливных зол и шлаков: Монография / Кривенко П.В., Пушкарева Е.К., Гоц В.И., Ковальчук Г.Ю. - К.: Видавництво ООО «Экспресс-Полиграф», 2012. - 258 с.
  15. В’яжучі речовини: Підручник / Рунова Р.Ф., Дворкін Л.Й., Дворкін О.Л., Носовський Ю.Л. - К.: «Основа», 2012. - 448 с.
  16. Shi C., Krivenko P.V., Della Roy Alkali - Activated cements and concretes (in Chinese, Authorized translation from the English language edition). - “Taylor & Francis”, 2012. - 326 p.
  17. John L. Provis, Jannie S.J. van Deventer Alkali Activated Materials: Монографія (Krivenko P.V., Kavalerova E. and other (part 2, 7, 9, 11, 12). - RILEМ State-of-the-Art Report, RILEM TC 224-AAM, Volume 13. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York, London, 2014. – 388 p. ISSN 2213-204X ISBN 978-94-007-7671-5. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7672-2.
  18. Volfkovich Yu.M., Filippov A.N., Bagotsky V.S. Structural Properties of Porous Materials and Powders Used in Different Fields of Science and Technology: Монографія (Dzyazko Y.S. and Konstantinovsky B.Ya. (chapter 5, pp. 103-128). - Springer London, 2014 - 328 p. ISBN: 978-1-4471-6376-3.
  19. Випробування бетонів і будівельних розчинів. Проектування їх складів: Навчальний посібник / Дворкін Л.Й., Гоц В.І., Дворкін О.Л. - К.: Основа, 2014.- 304 с.
  20. Теплові процеси та установки у виробництві будівельних конструкцій, виробів і матеріалів: Підручник / Гоц В.І., Кокшарьов В.М. Павлюк В.В., Тимошенко С.А. - К.: Основа, 2014.- 360 с.
  21. Щелочные цементы (Alkalinе Cements): Монография / Кривенко П.В., Рунова Р.Ф., Саницкий М.А., Руденко И.И., К.: Издательство ООО «Основа», 2015. - 448 с.
  22. Krivenko P., Guziy S., Abdullah Al Musa J. Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete. Part I Full Papers: The Influence of Cavitation Treatment on Amorphization of Kaolinite in the “Kaolin – Na2O·nSiO2·mH2O – NaOH - H2O” Composition / Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete. Scrivener K., Favier A. Editors. XVI, 597 p. - Р. 387-394. Springer London, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4471-6376-3.
  23. Krivenko P., Petropavlovsky O., Kavalerova E. Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete Part I Full Papers: Role of Metakaolin on Lowering pH of the Alkali Activated Cement Concrete in Barrier Application / Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete. Scrivener K., Favier A. Editors. XVI, 597 p. - Р. 395-402.Springer London, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4471-6376-3.
  24. Krivenko P.V., Cao Hai Lin, Weng Lu Qian, Petropavlovskii O.N. High Performance Concrete Technology and Applications. Chapter 8: High-Performance Alkali-Activated Cement Concretes for Marine Engineering Applications / Intech High Performance Concrete Technology and Applications, Associate Prof. Salih Yilmaz and Hayri Baytan Ozmen Editors. – 212 p. Chapter 8, 2016. – рр. 163-187. ISBN: 978-953-51-2651-5. doi: 10.5772/64525.
  25. Бетони і будівельні розчини: Підручник Вид. 2-е, доп. і переробл. / Гоц В.І., Павлюк В.В., Шилюк П.С. - К.: Видавництво ТОВ «Основа», 2016. – 568 с. ISBN 978-966-699-873-9.
  26. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction Integrating Radiation Protection in Reuse (COST Action TU1301 NORM4BUILDING). Chapter 6: From raw materials to NORM by-products / Kovacs T.,Bator G.,Schroeyers W.,Labrincha J.,Puertas F.,Hegedus M.,Nicolaides D.,Sanjuan M.A.,Krivenko P.V., Grubesa I.N.,Sas Z.,Michalik B.,Anagnostakis M.,Barisic I.,Nuccetelli C.,Trevisi R.,Croymans T.,Schreurs S.,Todorovic N.,Vaiciukyniene D.,Bistrickaite R.,Tkaczyk A.,Kovler K.,Wiegers R.,Doherty R. // Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. Edited by Wouter Schroeyers. – 318 p. Chapter 7, 2017. – рр. 135-182. ISBN: 978-0-08-102009-8.
  27. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction Integrating Radiation Protection in Reuse (COST Action TU1301 NORM4BUILDING). Chapter 7: From NORM by-products to building materials / Labrincha J.,Puertas F.,Schroeyers W.,Kovler K.,Pontikes Y.,Nuccetelli C.,Krivenko P., Kovalchuk A., Petropavlovskii O.,Komlejenovic M.,Fidanchevski E.,Wiegers R.,Volceanov E.,Gunay E.,Sanguan M.A.,Ducman V.,Angjusheva B.,Bajare D.,Kovacs T.,Bator T.,Schroeyers W., Aguiar J.,Provis J.L. // Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. Edited by Wouter Schroeyers. – 318 p. Chapter 7, 2017. – рр. 183-252. ISBN: 978-0-08-102009-8.
  28. Основи виробництва стінових і оздоблювальних матеріалів: Підручник / Рунова Р.Ф., Гоц В.І., Гелевера О.Г., Констатиновський О.П., Носовський Ю.Л., Піпа В.В. // К.: Видавництво ТОВ «Основа». – 2017. – 528 с.

International activities

  • COST Action TU 1301 (програма ЄС, спрямована на використання побічних продуктів промисловості для виготовлення будівельних матеріалів і вивчення їх довговічності та створенні стандартів);
  • COST Action TU 1404 (програма ЄС, спрямована на розробку нового покоління стандартів по довговічності матеріалів і структур на основі цементів);
  • COST Action TU 1407 «Scientific and technical innovations for safer Powered Two Wheelers (PTW)» (програма ЄС, спрямована на використання побічних продуктів промисловості для виготовлення будівельних матеріалів  і вивчення їх властивостей);
  • SARCOS COST Action CA15202 (програма ЄС, спрямована на впровадження інноваційних та стабільних рішень для подовження строку служби бетонних конструкцій;
  • COST Action FP 1407 “Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife)”;
  • SIDEROS (“Combining industrial and household wastes and CO2 to produce waste- based multifunctional cements and applications”);
  • REMINE (“Reuse of mining waste into innovate geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications”, проект 645696).

International cooperation partners:

  • Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic;
  • Chongqing Research Institute of Building Science, Chongqing, P.R. China;
  • Chongqing University of Building and Architecture, Chongqing, P.R. China
  • Shenzhen Academy of Aerospace Technology, Advanced Materials Rеseаrch Institute, Shenzhen, P.R. China;
  • Daughter Enterprise “Shenyang Kiev New Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd”, Shenyang, P.R. China;
  • Scientific- research Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic;
  • Institute of Architecture and Construction, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;
  • “Chemcomex”, Prague, Czech Republic;
  • “Ехlcrete International PTY”, Melbourne, Australia
  • “Hоlcim”, Holderbank, Switzerland;
  • “Independent Association of Scientists”, Russian Federation.
  • SRIB&M takes part in Russian Edition of technical magazine of cement industry (“Zement Internationale”) (Scientific Editor: DSc(Eng), Professor P.Krivenko) in cooperation with “Verlag Bau + Technik GmbH”, Dusseldorf, Germany.

International Cooperation:

  • "Agreement on technical cooperation in the field of the use of geocemen for the immobilization of radioactive waste" (customer - Academy of Aerospace Technologies, Shenzhen, China, 2013-2016);
  • "Research, development and transfer of concrete technology using red sludge and iron ore enrichment" (customer - Academy of Aerospace Technologies, Shenzhen, China, 2015-2016);
  • "Research, development and transfer of concrete technology using red sludge and iron ore enrichment" (customer - OJSC "Binchzhou Resources", Binchzhou, China, 2015-2016).
  • "To develop an alkali activated cement concrete mix design, to study properties of this concrete and to render technical assistance during production of real structure from it" (customer - ECOCEM MATERIALS, Paris, France , 2018)

Main partners

  • Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic;
  • Chongqing Research Institute of Building Science, Chongqing, P.R. China;
  • Shenzhen Academy of Aerospace Technology, Advanced Materials Rеseаrch Institute, Shenzhen, P.R. China;
  • "Binchzhou Resources", Binchzhou, P.R. China;
  • “BRUCHA”, Austria;
  • “ASCER”, Spain;
  • “Panel”, Poland;
  • “SpetsCementSever”, Moscow, Russian Federation;
  • “Arh&Stroy”, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation;
  • "Energoatom", Kyiv, Ukraine;
  • “Illyich Mariupol Metallurgical Works”, Mariupol, Ukraine;
  • Consortium “NOVARKA”, Slavutich, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine
  • “Chernobyl NPP”, Slavutich, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine;
  • “Promtsement Ltd.”, Amvrosievka, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine;
  • “Prosto Dom Ltd.”, Donetsk, Ukraine;
  • “ Lugansk Cement Ltd.,”, Alchevsk, Lugansk Oblast, Ukraine;
  • “УКРСКС Ltd.,” Kiev, Ukraine;
  • “UKrBio-Export Ltd.,” Krivoy Rog, Ukraine;
  • “Ruukki Ukraine”, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine;
  • “Centrostal Domstal”, Kiev, Ukraine;
  • “Imperial Group Ltd.”, Kiev, Ukraine;
  • “Zhitomir Plant of Metal Structures”, Zhitomir, Ukraine.

Contact information
Scientific- Research Institute for Binders and Materials,
Certification Body “SEPROBUDKTUBA”,
Approved Testing Laboratory
Povitroflotsky prospect, 31,

Kyiv 03037 Ukraine

tel: +380 (44) 245 48 30,

+380 (44) 248 31 65,

+380 (44) 248 30 41,

Fax: +380 (44) 245 4830,


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